The positive impacts of sustainable tourism

More and more conscientious travelers are seeking to reinvent the way they explore the world. Sustainable tourism is emerging as an environmentally and community-friendly response. This new way of thinking about travel not only minimizes your ecological footprint but also allows you to leave a positive impact.

In this article, we shed light on the many ways sustainable tourism can enrich both local populations and travelers while preserving the environment. Then, we'll provide you with some keys to plan your next trips.


The Green Virtues of Sustainable Tourism

According to the definition of the World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism is "tourism that fully takes into account its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts." Although it's not the only dimension, the ecological aspect is often the first that comes to mind. And with good reason: ecotourism helps reduce the impact of travel on the environment.

Moreover, the positive impacts are also felt at the heart of the destination. By adopting sustainable practices, you contribute to protecting local ecosystems and biodiversity!

A common criticism of tourism is its contribution to resource degradation. Sustainable tourism helps reverse this trend through a less polluting approach. Also, each sustainable initiative is a step further in raising visitors' awareness of ecological issues: by choosing sustainable businesses, you participate in this effort of awareness and commitment.


Exploring to Support the Local Economy

Could stopping traveling be a solution to environmental impacts? Absolutely not: tourism is a real economic pillar for many countries and regions.

By following sustainability practices, economic benefits are multiplied. Gains are distributed more equitably and extensively to members of local communities. Sustainable tourism improves living conditions for populations through job creation.

Money circulates within the community, the standard of living of local actors is improved, businesses flourish, and more stable jobs are generated.

Moreover, buying locally has positive environmental impacts and helps reduce CO2 emissions. Killing two birds with one stone!


Building Relationships: A Respectful and Valuable Approach

By definition, sustainable tourism goes beyond the environment; it aims for a respectful approach to communities. Among the three objectives identified by the World Tourism Organization, this one is of paramount importance: "Respecting the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, preserving their built and living cultural heritage, and their traditional values."

The interests of businesses and communities may be in opposition; sustainable tourism first promotes dialogue between these actors. Collaboration between the tourism industry and local residents develops a mutually beneficial relationship. Companies that adopt sustainable practices thus contribute to the economic and social support of communities.

Sustainable tourism is also about dialogue between visitors and local residents. By meeting others, travelers contribute to keeping customs, traditions, and cultural sites alive. In addition to minimizing negative impacts on communities and their traditions, sustainable tourism can improve living conditions. Developing public transport networks or technological improvements such as access to faster Internet are part of this. Projects carried out with respect for local populations have the power to leave a positive long-term impact.


Plan Your Sustainable Trip

More and more travelers want to adopt sustainable practices. Awareness is a good starting point, but how can you engage concretely?

Your impact begins with planning your stay. Here are some tips to help you in your efforts:

  1. Choose Sustainable Accommodation

Tourism businesses play an important role in sustainable development. Before booking, inquire about sustainable practices, internal policies, products used, among other things. Ruby Foo's is one of the companies that have adopted strict internal policies in all spheres of its activities. Choosing sustainable businesses ensures that communities are respected and valued.

  1. Consume Locally

Why buy products from large chains that you can find at home? To support the local economy, learn about artisans, restaurants, local cafes, and cultural activities in the region. Not only will you have a positive impact, but you'll also take away memorable memories!

  1. Learn About Traditions

Especially when traveling in a community different from your own, make sure to act in respect of customs. Whether it's cultural or religious traditions, avoid disrespecting the locals.

  1. Plan Your Means of Transportation

Renting a car is a common solution, but other options could be more interesting, or even more practical. When planning, consider options such as public transportation, cycling or walking, or carpooling.


Looking for accommodation that adopts good practices and is located close to public transportation? Our hotel in Montreal welcomes you to an elegant and sustainable location. Book your room now in anticipation of your visit to the metropolis!

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